Hello world!


Hello World!

This is me:

As you can see I’m a mailbox. I don’t have a name, but I have a cool number 206. I live in a typical block of flats in Poznań, Poland. I have some neighbours from number 204 to 213. They are jelaous, because they never eat as much mail as I do! My owner‘s name is Kinga. She lives with her fiancé Grzegorz in a small flat on the first floor. They have a cat named Batman. It’s a cool name, isn’t it? Here they are: Kinga and Grzegorz.

 She’s 24 and he’s 27. Both are teachers. She works in a kindergarten as a preschool & English teacher and he’s a history teacher. They are getting married this year. I can’t wait! I hope I will be full of greeting cards around September 29th. And the main thing: both are Postcrossers. They send postcards and receive them back from random people somewhere in the world! It’s so cool, isn’t it? For more information visit the official Postcrossing Project website at http://www.postcrossing.com.

Kinga and Grzegorz receive a lot of postcards and that’s the reason my blog came to be. I am so happy that I’m not hungry anymore and I want to share their collection with you, so this blog will be about the postcards. Enjoy!

The Mailbox

P.S. I found another funny picture of my owners. I hope they won’t turn me onto the street for that…

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